<% 'map=no 'remove from any sitemap usage '-------------- ScriptName=Request.ServerVariables("script_name") p=InStrRev(scriptName, "/") If p>0 Then scriptName=Mid(scriptName, p+1) PageName=ScriptName AsSepPage=0 '-------------- If LCase(PageName)="tms_links.asp" Then AsSepPage=1 End If If AsSepPage=1 Then Response.Write "" & vbNewline Response.Write "Traditional Music Society's
Soundz of Africa with Unity on the Plaza
Juneteenth 2019 at Unity on the Plaza
19 June 2019 - 7:30 pm
See: http://www.TraditionalMusicSociety.Org
http://www.TraditionalMusicSociety.org |
<% If AsSepPage=1 Then Response.Write "" & vbNewline Response.Write "